Mission Headquarters

The Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Headquarters is located at Sri Sarada Math, Dakshineswar, Kolkata 700076 and is conduct by a Governing Body consisting of the Trustees of the Math.
The Math and the Mission own separate funds and maintain separate accounts. The Math fund consists of donations from friends and devotees. The Mission fund consists of fees from students, subscriptions and donations from the general public, grants from the Government and public bodies. The Math and the Mission funds are annually audited by qualified auditors.
The Mission Headquarters runs the following activities at Dakshineswar:


SEVAYAN, the Charitable Dispensary:
Total No. of Patients treated during the year: 2177 (Free-1546)
Specialized doctors (Orthopedics, Dental, Medicine, Pediatrics, Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Homoeopathy and Ayurvrdic) rendered honorary service as before.
8 medical camps namely cardiology, eye, medicine and blood were organized at Sevayan attended by 839 patients. Medicines and injections worth Rs. 5,45,877/- were distributed free of cost for the poor and needy patients in the dispensary and at medical camps.
Medical equipment worth Rs. 4,05,389/- were purchased during the year.
Yogavyayam Classes for young girls and women continued as before (average attendance:24).
Physiotherapy Unit: The unit provided ultrasonic therapy, muscle stimulator, traction (all types), wax bath, infra ray etc. Cases treated during the year: 93 (No. of sittings: 1108). A physiotherapist was appointed on remuneration of Rs. 6,400/- per month.
Total expenditure during the year: Rs. 11,63,923/-.

Outdoor Clinics
Medical Camp

KANYAPEETH: the free adult school for girls and women imparted training in embroidery, tailoring, weaving and other handicrafts, besides elementary education (No. of students: 55).
Total expenditure during the year: Rs. 3,25,196/- which includes expenses for purchase of raw material and making charges.

Nivedita Vidyapeeth
Nivedita Vidyapeeth

NIVEDITA VIDYAPEETH: the free primary school for poor children counted 75 students on its roll. The children were supplied with school materials, uniforms etc and were served lunch daily, while new clothes were given to them at the time of Durg Puja. 3 ex-students of the School received financial help every month to continue their studies (expenditure: Rs. 5,400/-).
Total expenditure during the year: Rs. 6,08,623/-.

Nivedita Vidyapeeth
Nivedita Vidyapeeth

LIBRARY AND READING ROOM: The library contained 1730 books and a few journals at the end of March 2023 (Total No. of members: 35).

Ma Sarada Bhandar: under this scheme, midday meal was served to 80 poor students of the locality on school days.
Expenditure incurred under this head: Rs. 79,052.48

Ma Sarada Bhandar
Ma Sarada Bhandar

Financial help amounting to Rs. 2,70,883/- was given to needy people of Dakshineswar and other locality as per details given below:

No. of Beneficiaries
Needy women
Poor students
Blankets Disribution
Distribution of blankets
Narayan Seva
Narayan Seva

The following items worth Rs. 28,61,517/- were distributed at Dakshineswar and in other places as detailed here-below :

No. of Beneficiaries Amount (Rs.)
Blankets 11325 Rs. 21,62,460/-
Sarees &clothes 3152 Rs. 4,82,878/-
Medicines, ORS 3000 Rs. 25,200/-
Notebooks 150 Rs. 6,970/-
Milk powder, biscuits, snacks etc. 400 Rs. 1,37,888/-

12th January – Youth Day: 1200 students and teachers from various schools and others who participated in the procession were served snacks, sandwich, juice etc. for which an amount of Rs. 1,14,007/- was spent.

Youth Day
Youth Day


A medical camp was conducted in Purba Medinipur and medicines worth Rs. 11,696/- were distributed.


self help group
self help group

Under this head, Rs. 1,74,868/- were spent for distributing raw material and to train 30 ladies for preparing different kinds of boutique items, such as, crochet, paper quilling, soft toys, jewelry making etc. for sale in an effort to promote women empowerment.