Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Matribhavan, Kolkata

Matri BhavanStarted in 1950 in its own premises as a branch of the Ramakrishna Mission with only 10 beds, this maternity hospital was transferred to the Ramakrishna Sarada Mission in November 1961 and has now 100 beds with 80 Obstetrics, Gynae. & Surgical beds and 20 Neonatal beds. It has also well-equipped Operation Theatres with central oxygen & suction facilities set up with provision for intricate cases, including oncology and laparoscopic surgery; a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, a Critical Observation Unit for seriously ill mothers and bio-chemical laboratories providing a wide range of investigations. These modern methods of treatment are available to the women & children of the low socio-economic sections of the society, at subsidized rates and in some cases with concession/free facilities.
The hospital has its own pharmacy – Sri Maa Pharmacy – for prompt supply of medicines as well as a bio-chemical laboratory equipped with modern technology to ensure efficient and quick service.
The hospital also conducts outdoor clinics for obstetrics, gynaecology, general surgery, general medicine, paediatrics, immunization, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, dermatology, and E.N.T.
U.S.G., Colour Doppler, C.T.G., E.C.G., X-ray, mammography, laboratory tests etc. are done for patients; while medicines are supplied free of charge.

Health & Eye Camp

Community Health Services:
Public Private Partnership Scheme with the department of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of West Bengal and Kolkata Municipal Corporation.
Sahayika Sevika Training or Health Care Assistant Training is given to poor and needy girls.
College of Nursing : recognized by West Bengal University of Health Sciences and Indian and West Bengal Nursing Council. School of Nursing : recognized by Indian Nursing Council and West Bengal Nursing Council.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit


Welfare activities : Financial help on monthly basis is provided to girls for undergoing the Sevika Training. Help is rendered to needy women and children in cash and kind. Medicines, foodstuff, woollen garments and blankets are also distributed among needy women and children, while relief is rendered in some rural areas.

ANM Function - Oath taking Ceremony

Needle work and other handicrafts are tought to needy women of the locality.
Cultural and religious classes and lectures for women in and outside the centre.

Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Matribhavan
7A, Sree Mohan Lane,
Kolkata - 700 026.
Phones: 91-33-2464 4189/4937, 2466 8207/8273
e-mail: rksmmatribhavanhosp@gmail.com
Website: www.rksm-matribhavan.org