Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Vidyarthini Mandiram,Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

Started in 1973 in its own premises with the object of disseminating cultural and spiritual ideas and ideals of India among women and girls, the centre conducts the following activities: 

Prayer Hall
Nivedita Vidyapeeth
Study Hall
  • Hostel for college girls.
  • Library for research students and others.
  • Regular classes and discourses on religious topics and occasional retreats at the centre.
  • Preaching work in and around the city.
  • Welfare activities.

Computer Class
Nivedita Vidyapeeth
Religious Discourse

Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Vidyarthini Mandiram
T.C. 24/624 Thycaud,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695014
Mobile: 7012573617
e-mail: rksmissionsarada@yahoo.in