Revered President Mataji is keeping well.
Tentative programme of Revered President Mataji:
8th and 9th March: Shillya centre;
15th to 20th March: Indore Math;
21st March: Mumbai;
22nd to 26th March: Valsad Math;
27th March to 2nd April: Pune Math.
News from Headquarters
Sri Ramakrishna's Birthday Celebration at the headquarters.
1st March, 2025, Sri Ramakrishna's Birthday was celebrated with special puja, homa, chandipath, devotional songs, discourses etc. Cooked prasad was distributed to devotees who had come throughout the day.

Mahashivaratri was observed at the headquarters.

Mahashivaratri was duly observed on 26th February, 2025.
News from Branch Centres
Ramakrishna Sarada Mission, Guntur
Sri Maa Sarada Conference for Women was organized by the
Ramakrishna Sarada Mission, Guntur in Hyderabad from 7 th to 9 th February
2025. Pravrajika Atandraprana, General Secretary, Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission was the Chief Guest and gave a eloquent speech on the unique life and teachings of the Holy Mother,
Sri Sarada Devi. In all, 28 Sannyasinis from different centres also participated.
On the first day i.e. 7 th February, there was a Youth Convention in which
1700 girls participated from 30 institutions from Hyderabad city. Sm. B.
Sumathi, IPS was the Guest of Honour. The topics centered on the character
building as exhorted by Swami Vivekananda, nation-making as envisioned by
Sister Nivedita and enlightened motherhood as manifested in Holy Mother, Sri
Sarada Devi.
The next two days 8 th and 9 th , there was a Devotees’ Convention in which 1300
women participated from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Sm. Sawmya Misra,
IPS was the Guest of Honour.
The three-day programme consisted of speeches by guests, students and
devotees, discussions, Bhajans, classical dance etc.
The WhatsApp groups formed with the guidance of Guntur centre in
October 2024, under the name ‘Sarada Sadhana’ counted nearly 1500 women
devotees from India and abroad. Since then, they discuss Holy Mother’s
teachings daily and derive great joy in watching events online.

Ramakrishna Sarada Mission, Arunachal Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh Governor Lt. General (Retd.) K. T. Parnaik conferred the prestigious 2025 State Award – Gold Medal to Ramakrishna Sarada Mission, Arunachal Pradesh for its remarkable contributions to social work in the State in a ceremony held at the Durbar Hall of Raj Bhavan, Itanagar on 21st February, 2025. The function was attended by Sri Pema Kandu, Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Deputy Chief Minister and other dignitaries. The Government Spokesperson welcomed the Matajis, felicitating them for their outstanding service to the State inspired by Swami Vivekananda’s idea of Man-making and character-building education. This education is fostering value driven leadership, resilience and dedication in young girls, who break barriers and inspire others.