Ramakrishna Sarada Mission, Shillya

Started on gifted land in January 1982, the centre conducts:

Nivedita Vidyapeethfree primary school: children are provided daily tiffin, unifroms, books etc.
Tailoring, handicraft & cottage industry classes for ladies.
Charitable homoeopathic dispensary: medicines are supplied free.
Distribution of blankets, clothes etc. among leprosy patients and other needy people. Help, in cash and kind, to needy people and students of Shillya and other villages. Spread of hygiene education.
Religious and cultural classes for ladies in and outside the centre and also in nearby towns.
Annual Celebration: this festival is a special feature of the centre when once a year, on an auspicious day, special puja and homa is performed and reading from the Vedas, the Koran, the Bible and the Gita. On that day, people from Shillya and other villages are served cooked prasad sitting. The total expenditure for this festival is met by the local people and some devotees and friends from Durgapur and Burdwan.



Ramakrishna Sarada Mission 
Vill: Shillya P.O: Ramgopalpur 
Dist. Burdwan - 713 403.
Ph: 91-0342-2459 255
Email: rksm.shillya@gmail.com