Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Sister Nivedita Girls' School, Kolkata

Nivedita VidyapeethStarted by Sister Nivedita (Miss Margaret E. Noble), the illustrious disciple of Swami Vivekananda in 1902 and affiliated to the Ramakrishna Mission in 1918, the School became a branch of the Ramakrishna Sarada Mission in August 1963.

This School is unique being the only educational institution for girls which was inaugurated by Sri Sarada Devi, the Holy Mother, in the presence of Swami Vivekananda, Swami Brahmananda and others on 13th November, 1898. Though the School had to be closed after a few months for financial reasons, it was reopened in February 1902 permanently.

At present, the School is housed in six buildings owned by it and though following a traditional pattern of education, is keeping pace with the modern scientific progress. The centre conducts:
The Secondary Section.
The Higher Secondary Section.
The Primary School.
The School library.
Free coaching classes for underprivileged children of the locality.
The Sarada Mandir or boarding is attached to the School students.
The Publication Department publishes mainly books on Sister Nivedita's life and works, as well as some other books.

Prayer Assembly


Distribution of tiffin, uniforms and examination fees amongst students.
Free medical camps for needy women and children once a month under the auspices of Purba Satberia Village Welfare Mission.
Cultural and religious classes in and outside the centre.

Industrial Section: Class Room & Exhibition

The Industrial Section for women: discussed with her in detail his ideas of women’s work in India. It was started by Sister Christine (Christine Greensteidel), a disciple of Swami Vivekananda who She studied tailoring and other handiwork to add a handicrafts section for women to Sister Nivedita’s school to make her Indian students economically independent. On November 2, 1903 when the Pura Stri Vibhag (as this women’s section was named) started, the sisters hired carriages for the orthodox women who could not come out in public to come to the School. For these women to leave their homes to come to lessons by European teachers was unheard of at that time; but they did come. It opens daily between noon and 4 p.m. when women would be free from their housework.

Ramkrishna Sarada Mission Sister Nivedita Girls' School
5, Nivedita Lane,
Kolkata - 700 003.
Phones: 91-33-2555 2109/2554 1516.
e-mail: sisternivedita1898@gmail.com
Website: www.sisterniveditagirlsschool.org