Ramakrishna Sarada Mission, Kamptee, Nagpur

Ashrama Entrance

School Building

Prayer Assembly

Drill Session

Since more than 20 years the Shri Ramakrishna Samskriti Peeth, Kamptee, Nagpur was requesting the Mission to take over their School of Home Science, with a roll strength of more than 500 girls.  Ultimately the transfer was done and the centre was started formally on 3rd June, 2011.
For more information visit http://rksmkamptee.org

Ramakrishna Sarada Mission
65, The Mall, Cantonment, 
Kamptee, Nagpur 441001
Phones: 9763945266 (school)
E mail: rsmkamptee@gmail.com
Website: http://rksmkamptee.org